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眾所周知的,「del.icio.us」是一個非常受歡迎的網路書籤服務, 雖然它自上次改版後加入了不少方便的功能, 但仍有其美中不足之處。如果你有在使用「del.icio.us」的服務, 那麼不妨試試「DEL.ICIO.US DIREC.TOR」, 特別是那些書籤一堆的人。

「DEL.ICIO.US DIREC.TOR」最近相當的熱門, 主要功能是提供對於「del.icio.us」書籤快速查詢及排序。

要使用「DEL.ICIO.US DIREC.TOR」的服務其實相當的簡單, 只需到「DEL.ICIO.US DIREC.TOR」的官方網站新增一個「Bookmarklet」到書籤或 IE 的我的最愛中即可。以後連到「del.icio.us」時, 按下「Bookmarklet」即可切換到「DEL.ICIO.US DIREC.TOR」的頁面。

經過我的使用, 速度遠比「del.icio.us」本身快太多了。


One Comment Add yours

  1. Zion says:

    Anyone have any tips on how to best use del.icio.us to help promote one's websites? I have recently signed up, added a few friends, and am trying to
    add interesting, useful sites before I add my own (which I'll do when I'm finished with my first set of tutorials). My sense is that it may be wise to
    make some of the more “popular” del.icio.us members my friends, but for now I've stuck solely to people who are related to my industry. What do other
    people think? Any good tips out there?
    All the best,

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