Mozilla 官方於剛剛正式釋出了 Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 版, 這個版本主要是修正了一些安全性問題及 Bug:
- Fix for a potential buffer overflow vulnerability when loading a hostname with all soft-hyphens
- Fix to prevent URLs passed from external programs from being parsed by the shell (Linux only)
- Fix to prevent a crash when loading a Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) script that uses an “eval” statement
- Fix to restore InstallTrigger.getVersion() for Extension authors
- Other stability and security fixes
當然, 依慣例, 最先釋出的是英文版本, 中文版則要稍候。
2005.09.22 09:57 Update
1.0.7 中文版也發佈了。